Monday, July 25, 2011

Miu Miu

Alone in New York I decided to go to SoHo, it was already in my plans to visit a store on Prince Street. As I left the store I saw Miu Miu on my right...I knew I had to go in, no pressure to buy. I walked into this incredibly expensive looking boutique, I wanted to run away, I felt so out of place. But i had to see it, I was all alone and the only people coming into the store were employees. I thought..what the heck, I should give myself a treat, clothes, bags, shoes, and sun glasses were out of question, my budget wouldn't allow it...but maybe something a bracelet. And there I saw it, green, sparkly, and translucent. I remembered seeing it in magazines last year, it was marked down, last year's fashion, perfect. I didn't dare look much at the price tag, comforted by the 30% off, it was my only chance. So I told the sales assistants I'd buy it, they complemented my decision and went to find it a "beautiful box". So I was all cash register in sight, how do I pay? They gave me a form to fill out, took my card to a back room and came back with the bag and the receipt for me to sign, I didn't want to look at it...but I had to, the damage was done.

So that very night I wore it, it felt nice.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So ya terminé mi practica, hoy fue mi ultimo día con los chicos D: pero ps nada la pase bien y a la verdad que muchos me impresionaron. La ultima clase que les di fue de A.T.C. y decidí yo hacer unas tarjetas también para ellos. Aquí hay una muestra de las más que me gustaron (sorry por la mala calidad, las tome con mi celular porque se me olvido escanearlas D:) :

La del científico se la di a un estudiante q es bn inteligente y le encantó XD yo sabía que le iba a gustar.

Aquí hay algunas tarjetas hechas por mis estudiantes:

4to Ruiz EE UPR 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wes Anderson is such a hipster...

...but that doesn't' stop me from loving his hipster movies.

I'm such a hipster...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

oh hai! i'm randy!

OMFG I can't believe I never uploaded Randy! He's a math nerd :o I seriously need to scan these instead of taking photos with my cel :/

Oh hai! I'm Randy!

Me & my BF

Thursday, April 14, 2011


More drawings and shiznat.

Chameleon 007

Mr. Bones

2 scorched rosettes I made. they are a hassle to make but turn out pretty.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Because I haven't updated in a while :(

it wasn't chosen as the final design but it think it's pretty kick-ass :)

can you say Adventure Time??? LOL

Friday, March 11, 2011

Daily Drawings

Decidí hacer un dibujo diario...para eso de mantener mi sanidad :D

I decided to make daily preserve my sanity :D

The carrot robber

The carrot robber's joy

Morrigan and Dee in the Forbidden Forrest

Mr. Gentile-fish-man


All drawings © Eira R.C. 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011


Estoy super clumsy últimamente D: me guaye dos veces, he tumbao par d vasos con agua zomg wt next? XD falta q me caiga D: (auto curse).....So many things to little time


un dibujo q hice la semana pasada....

Neil McCormick q no lo he terminado D: zomg Neil I have 2 give u more attention

to finish I leave you with a video of my bunny...sleeping....on my bed lol

Monday, January 24, 2011

María Maruca Maruchi Marucamachachucha-cha-cha-cha

Estar en estos días en la Escuela Elemental de la UPR viendo a los estudiantes dibujar ha sido una experiencia maravillosa para mi. Ahora entiendo la facinacion de tantos artistas y psicologos con los dibujos de los niños, a la verdad que uno se sorprende. Estoy super motivada para dar clases, quiero ver que sale de mis lecciones. Ya mismo me siento con 4-5 libros para empesar a redactar mis planes! Areli gracias por tu ayuda!

Encontré estos dibujos fabulosos que me hizo mi amiga María cuando estábamos en la elemental. Me han dado una idea genial para una pieza (ver a los estudiantes me motiva jajaja) :D Gracias Maru! (espero que no te moleste que los suba en el ciber-espacio :P)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mysterious Skin

I thought I'd share what I'm working on. Im a bit rusty but I'm getting the hang of it again and it's coming along nicely. Here's the progression so far, I'd say there's about 7 hrs of work here..probably more.